
Showing posts from October, 2017

days of grace

The windows are open and there's laughter and clanking of tricycles outside. It sounds idyllic, doesn't it? This moment actually is - but our morning was anything but that. I actually sent Grant a text around noon telling him to keep his expectations low - because all had done that morning was sit in the recliner with a fussy infant, and fight a control battle with my 3-yr-old. This day, in many ways, is a snapshot of all of our typical days in one. The struggle of the morning, the peacefulness of the afternoon - these are all part of our days. . On my kitchen counter, I still have a copy of Elijah's birth report. I could pack it away for record-keeping later (but I'd probably forget where I put it), but part of me just isn't ready to put it away yet, because it's such a reminder to me of God's faithfulness through that time of life. The night they decided to go ahead and do my c-section, my white blood cell count had spiked and they felt like there was po