
Showing posts from September, 2016

redeeming the days

It's taken me a while to get around to posting these pictures because I can't adequately describe what a wonderful weekend we had with Jo, or how much God answered prayer and blessed Grant, Todd, and Seth's trip to Mexico. Life here included some sewing projects, garage sales, trips to the park, jogs, kayak/paddleboat rides, campfires, good food, and games. Pictures are below. :)

book review: safe house

I have had this book around for a shamefully long time. It took me a while to read it, because it's a lot of information to digest... but it's good information.  Safe House is about security and balance, and talks a lot about how the focus of parenting is finding a way to have a relationship with our children somewhere at the intersection of grace and truth. I love that this book is very biblically-based and also very practical, with a lot of examples that all parents of toddlers would be able to relate to. It talks about staying calm and making your house a safe place to interact, learn, and grow together. One of my favorite quotes is about what 'truth' looks like in parenting... I think it's an excellent summary of the book as a whole: "The wall of truth lets our child know where we stand. Truth anchors our parenting so we are not tossed to and fro at the whim of our child's every wish or with every new parenting trend. Truth is setting limits. Truth

poured out

When I'm running, especially with the stroller, I have this tendency to really conserve energy. I pace myself - I don't push myself. I just kind of run where it feels like I can handle it. I think that subconsciously I worry about putting the kids in danger if something would happen to me - and, let's be honest, I'm just not a fast runner. :) So I try to maintain some semblance of a reasonable mile time and leave it there. It's tempting to do this in other areas of life as well. There have been a few situations lately where I've had to consciously choose to invest thoroughly, pray completely, and pour out everything I've got - because my tendency is to hold back just in case. Unfortunately, though, I can't be the wife and mommy that I need to be if I do it halfheartedly. I have to be willing to give all and trust that God will bless my efforts and refill me when I'm at my end. He's been bringing this to my attention in various ways lately; mos

west elm/east main

Daniel & Emily's wedding took us north on Friday night, and we decided to make a getaway of it and stayed over in Chicago until Saturday. We spent the day browsing a few home stores, and after walking through all of them (Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Restoration Hardware, Anthropologie - if that counts) - we decided West Elm fit us best. It fit so well, in fact, that we almost bought a chair there. But, we didn't, so for now our living room still looks just like it did. :) I walked away inspired, and proactively pushing away the discontentment that can so easily overtake me. There's so many  coulds in life. I could  have... I  could do... I  could be. But I don't. And I won't. And I'm not. And so whenever I see that something that I could have, or that someone that's doing what I could be doing, I have to remind myself to walk away inspired, rather than discontent. There is a way to joyfully absorb, appreciate, and admire the things around me

what did you like about camping?

A new adventure this past weekend - camping with Ivory and Titus. Overall it went well, but I couldn't have done it without my mom. Maybe someday I'll have more energy.We went with my family just for Sunday night of Labor Day weekend, although Matt & Kim and kids were camping there also and it was fun to see them. At the end, I asked the kids what they liked best. Ivory: "I liked sleeping in the pack 'n' play close to you and Daddy." (yes, quite close, as camping always is...) Titus: "I go swimming... with my life jacket on" Although I have no pictures, we did go swimming to finish off the day Monday and they loved it! I wasn't sure how well we'd do by that point in the afternoon, but sand and water can cure problems of any kind. :) The pictures below are an assortment from the whole weekend... not just our camping trip.

fishermen & tentmakers

A few weekends ago we spent Saturday with family, and Sunday with friends. We celebrated birthdays out in Indiana, and it was a lovely and relaxing day of fishing, swimming, sleeping, and eating. :) I read this morning in Acts 18 about Paul's occupation as a tentmaker. Because Grant is a builder, this always stands out to me. But the difference between Paul and Grant is that Grant is building homes to last. Paul, on the other hand, built tents - which, while also dwelling places, aren't known for their wonderful foundations or their prime location Rather, it's a purely functional place - that, interestingly, can be picked up and moved at a moment's notice. As we build up our house, home, and family, I have to constantly remind myself that this world is not my home. The things that seem big and important really aren't; what ultimately matters is that hearts are inclined to Jesus.