book review: safe house

I love that this book is very biblically-based and also very practical, with a lot of examples that all parents of toddlers would be able to relate to. It talks about staying calm and making your house a safe place to interact, learn, and grow together. One of my favorite quotes is about what 'truth' looks like in parenting... I think it's an excellent summary of the book as a whole:
"The wall of truth lets our child know where we stand. Truth anchors our parenting so we are not tossed to and fro at the whim of our child's every wish or with every new parenting trend. Truth is setting limits. Truth is disciplining willful defiance. Truth is enforcing age-appropriate consequences so our children learn the connection between their decisions and their outcomes. Truth is being emotionally present in stressful moments. Truth is doing the right thing. Truth is hard work and responsibility. Truth is discernment when making decisions. Truth is living with integrity. In a world that tells our kids "If it feels good do it" and "Create your own reality," truth is an incredible legacy to instill. By parenting from the posture of truth, we prepare our children to come to know the One who is Truth and who will guide their hearts and lives long after we're gone." (p. 94)
Looking back through the book to write this review, I should probably read it again. It is really one of the best "parenting" books I have read, and I would highly recommend it.
I received a copy of this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my review.
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