fancy ivory
Ivory turned 4 on March 4! Her golden birthday was very anticipated and well-celebrated, thanks to all of our wonderful family. "Fancy Nancy" is a favorite character around here these days and made the perfect party theme. It was all very pink and purple, and, well, fancy. And thanks to everyone's willingness to add an "accessory" to their "ensembles", it was quite a memorable event. Tia Leah made the cake, and we had sandwiches with frilly toothpicks, and everything. :) If you haven't read "Fancy Nancy" (the original book), you definitely need to. It will make you want to have a party for sure, and will give you plenty of suggestions for how to do it.
Ivory had the time of her life dressing up in her pink sparkly outfit - and still does. We love her so much and are so grateful for God's gift in putting her in our family. I pray often that she'll always strive for inner beauty above all... that the glitter and sparkle wouldn't be all a facade. :) She is a sweet blessing, a wonderful companion to Titus, and full of ideas, energy, creativity, and personality. Parenting and family life is an adventure for us all, but we're glad to be in it together!

Grandma W.'s brilliant gift of a tu-tu unfortunately didn't arrive until after the party, but I have to document it here...
I think it has been donned every single day since she got it, including one morning for church - although in my few years of parenting I have gained a decent amount of foresight. As in, when she first opened the tu-tu, I tried to make very, very clear that it would NOT be worn for church. But of course, the very next Sunday morning, Grant went out to start the van and asked the kids to get their coats on. Ivory had complied, but also added an additional accessory - yes, the tu-tu. A gentle reminder from Daddy, I'm sure - "haha, Ivory, take it off. We're not wearing that". And she replied, "actually, yes I am". And this continued until Daddy tried reverse psychology... "Ok, let's go get in the van". *pause, and momentary confusion from Ivory* ... who replied "Daddy! You're not telling the truth".
So, life at 4 is fun and interesting, and always very fancy.
We love you Ivory Kaye!
Ivory had the time of her life dressing up in her pink sparkly outfit - and still does. We love her so much and are so grateful for God's gift in putting her in our family. I pray often that she'll always strive for inner beauty above all... that the glitter and sparkle wouldn't be all a facade. :) She is a sweet blessing, a wonderful companion to Titus, and full of ideas, energy, creativity, and personality. Parenting and family life is an adventure for us all, but we're glad to be in it together!

Grandma W.'s brilliant gift of a tu-tu unfortunately didn't arrive until after the party, but I have to document it here...

So, life at 4 is fun and interesting, and always very fancy.
We love you Ivory Kaye!
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