unfolded laundry

I guess it's only Tuesday, so five baskets of unfolded laundry sitting in the living room isn't too bad - especially considering that this stomach bug has left no one in our family unscathed and I found myself curled up in bed for the last 18 hours, leaving my family to fend for themselves. It has been good to take a little time-out from life because you come back with new realizations, like Ivory is an incredible helper, and Titus just needs four-hour-naps sometimes to be as good as new, and Elijah is growing up so much even though he still has this routine of waking up every four hours through the night. That is one that will need to be modified as soon as I can actually think straight again.

There is so much delight to be found in these little days... in these nights with warm breeze blowing through the windows and these days with little squeals of protest when the developing crawler moves quickly toward whatever toy happens to be the focus of attention at the moment. We are all learning new things, and that is always good.


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