the {rental} house on main st.

I've said before that renovation projects are kind of a shared hobby for me and Grant. It's something we do together (although lately, that more means I come up with the ideas and then he makes them happen while I care for the kids) and we have a hard time, actually, NOT watching Zillow or coming up with projects. It's just what we do.

So our conversations usually go like this:
"This house looks amazing!! I bet there's wood floors under all that green carpet"
"When was it built"
"Um... 1890?"

And so on, and so-forth. My dreams of gorgeous old detail always collide with the reality that Grant doesn't want to deal with half-century-old wiring, and so it ends up that we just kind of keep looking. But Grant had been really pushing for a rental property purchase, and eventually this winter got so long and tiresome that I thought maybe that would be fun, and after all, we were already overdue for our "buy-a-house-and-fix-it-up-every-two-years" habit, and so when this came on the market and then someone else pointed it out to us too, we decided to go take a look.

Turns out, we both liked it, and so we closed on it yesterday and walked in today to this on the counter:

Jessica has blessed us so much throughout our time working with her and we feel it's a gift from God that we get to do this again!

So anyway, Grant is over at the house as I type and his goal was to have the wall that you see in that picture GONE before midnight rolls around. And so here begins the next stage of life. To be sure, we'd rather be tearing into houses than passing time in hospitals, so we're grateful that hopefully that phase is behind us for the time being. 


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