living in the land of the free

Watching fireworks in Sibley all during my growing-up years, there would be candy bars passed around - 100 Grands, Charleston Chews - and those are the tastes that still come to mind on this holiday. I'm blessed by a heritage of deep patriotism from a family that values celebrating this day, and it's always been among my favorites.

Recently I made a list in my journal of things that I want my children to know and who I want our family to be. I'm not even sure that "patriotic" made the list, but each day finds me discovering new ideas and desires for the childhood that Ivory, Titus, and Elijah are currently living.

Although each day feels like the same battle over and over again, I hope that someday they look back - and I look back - and remember this time of great learning and growth with fondness. As parents, we are literally shaping who they become, and I have to constantly remind myself that by God's grace, we are enough. We are not as good as those parents at that, and we do not have all the amazing things that that family has, and we are not giving our children the same experiences as that family, but we are being OUR family, and that is our calling.

We are so thankful for the families and friends we get to do this with! Our days of celebration this year do not include the Sibley fireworks, but they do include so many other things...

catching lightning bugs...

eating popsicles...

We watched skydivers and fireworks also, but it's hard to get photos of those events!

Today we did projects and clean-up over at the rental...


... and laughter. 

"Wee Sing America" will be playing all the way to Florida this weekend! This heritage is one worth passing on. :) Happy 4th! 

America, America, God shed His grace on thee! And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.


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